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Exam updates

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June 2024

The updated syllabus for the upcoming Certified Simulated Attack Specialist (CCSAS) exam is now available here.
Candidates taking the existing hotel-based exam should refer to the previous version of the syllabus available here.
This update reflects the extensive work carried out by CREST Assessors, Focus Groups, key industry stakeholders and cyber security professionals around the globe. The new syllabus will inform the new exam that is being developed. More information about the launch date will be provide on this page.

Next updates to watch out for

Opening registrations for the Certified Simulated Attack Specialist (CCSAS) written exam and timeframes for CCSAS practical exam; Certified Simulated Attack Manager (CCSAM) syllabus and timeline for exams. Please continue to keep an eye on this page and refer back to it in future. We will be updating this page each time a new update takes place, as well as sending out communications via email and on social media, so be sure to return to this page to see the latest updates. Please continue to keep an eye on this page and refer back to it in future.

We will be updating this page each time a new update takes place, as well as sending out communications via email and on social media, so be sure to return to this page to see the latest updates.

Previous updates

CREST Webinar Resources May 2024

Post-event resources


Below are resources for this event. If you were unable to attend the live event, you can now access the recording of the session and other associated resources below.


Event recording

You can watch a recording of the session on our YouTube channel at:




View the presentation given throughout the session:


CREST exams are changing: how to prepare and what you need to know – webinar slides May 2024


Please note: it is in PDF format and you will need Adobe Reader or another PDF viewer to access and view it.

January 2024

New syllabuses launched for Certified Tester – Infrastructure (CCT INF) and Certified Tester – Application (CCT APP) exams.


The new syllabuses have been extensively evaluated to ensure they maintain CREST’s rigorous standards. They have been modernised with 3 new topic areas and many new skills added or updated in the existing topic areas, all of which have been reviewed by our focus groups, Assessors and against global frameworks.


You can view the new syllabuses by clicking the following links:

CREST Certified Tester – Infrastructure Syllabus

CREST Certified Tester – Application Syllabus


If you are already on your CCT INF or CCT APP journey this syllabus update doesn’t apply to you yet and you can find the information you require by viewing these pages:

CREST Certified Tester – Infrastructure

CREST Certified Tester – Application


The launch of the new syllabuses is the first step in our updates to both CCT INF and CCT APP. Shortly there will be further communications about changes to the exams themselves. This will include both significantly updated content and a change in the delivery methods to enable both elements of the exams to be taken at Pearson VUE test centres around the world instead of hotels.


The details for which centres the exams will be available at, and from when, will be announced at a later date. For the time being the practical element of the exam can still be conducted at UK-based hotels.

Pre-Christmas message

Our exams are getting a fresh new look in 2024.


Following the recent update to the CREST Registered Penetration Tester (CRT) exam and our dedication to enhancing and updating our exams, we are excited to share that, in 2024, we will be implementing significant changes to several exams under the penetration testing and simulated attack specialisms.


The changes will include:


  • CREST Certified Infrastructure Tester (CCT INF)
  • CREST Certified Web Applications Tester (CCT APP)
  • CREST Certified Simulated Attack Specialist (CCSAS)
  • CREST Certified Simulated Attack Manager (CCSAM)


The upcoming changes will ultimately improve the overall experience of CREST candidates. However, if you fall into one of the following categories, we encourage you to book and take the current exam as soon as possible to minimise the impact of the transition:


  • You’ve taken the exam before and are due to renew in the next 6 months or so; or
  • You are planning a re-take, having attempted the exam before; or
  • You have been studying for the exam and are ready to take it.


We will be sharing detailed information on all the changes in early 2024 and on what this means to you, so stay tuned!


In the meantime, we wish you all a joyous festive season and a resounding success in the new year.

Exams updates roadmap

Exam Update Roadmap