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Become a CREST CAMP Mentor

Why become a CREST CAMP Mentor?

As the demand for high quality cyber security providers continues to rapidly grow and new threats emerge equally as fast, we’re committed to finding ways to work with our existing Members to accelerate the support to those working towards cyber standards.

Part of our mission at CREST is to support the development of cyber eco-systems of lower income countries and national authorities at the earlier stages of cyber standard setting.

As a membership organisation, we’re fortunate to host a community of over 380 independently quality assured organisations with a shared wealth of cyber security knowledge from all over the world.

As a CREST Member, we’re inviting you to share your valuable expertise with an organisation looking for help, as one of our selected CREST Cyber Accelerated Maturity Programme (CREST CAMP) Mentors. As a CREST CAMP Mentor, you will be eligible to access funding to conduct work on the programme.

How you'll be involved

As a participating, independently quality-assured CREST Member company, you’ll help a local organisation enhance their capabilities and support them on their journey towards accreditation.

As a CREST CAMP Mentor you will:

  • Leverage your experience to help others
  • Be eligible to receive funding to deliver work under the programme
  • Publicise your brand to customers in new markets
  • Have opportunities to interact with overseas national cyber authorities
  • Have the potential to identify future partnerships
  • Help embed CREST standards internationally, in turn opening up future business opportunities for CREST Members.

Here are some of the ways you would be supporting a participating organisation:

  • Review the beneficiary organisation’s high-level self-assessment against the CREST standards
  • Engage with your matched organisation across 4-to-5-days to help accelerate their progression toward a CREST membership application
  • Help deepen the organisation’s understanding of methodology, policy, or skills gaps, make initial enhancements and create a thorough gap closure plan through intensive support
  • Provide opportunities for beneficiaries to shadow your organisation’s activities (this is not required, but would be welcomed – subject to appropriate confidentiality arrangements).

Ready to get involved?

Become a CREST Mentor now

Please note: selection of Mentor companies for engagements funded under this programme will be determined by the beneficiary company, potentially in conjunction with their national authority. CREST will not be making selection decisions.

If you have a query about becoming a CREST CAMP Mentor, please contact [email protected]

Apply to become a CREST CAMP Mentor