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Intruder is an online vulnerability scanner that finds cyber security weaknesses in your digital infrastructure, to avoid costly data breaches.

Intruder also offers managed security scanning and penetration testing services.

Contact: Intruder
E: [email protected]

T: 0333 090 7880

Membership Start Date: 01 Jul 2021

No. of Employees: 1-100

CREST Accreditations

Vulnerability Assessment (VA)

0333 090 7880
[email protected]

Intruder is an online vulnerability scanner that finds cyber security weaknesses in your digital infrastructure, to avoid costly data breaches.

Intruder also offers managed security scanning and penetration testing services.

CREST Qualified Consultants:

  • CREST Practitioner Security Analyst
  • CREST Registered Penetration Tester
  • CREST Certified Web Application Tester

Application Status:

  • Application Audited
  • Technical Assessment
  • Contact: Intruder